Thursday, 22 March 2012

How to get slender legs and reduce cellulite

I am not a woman, however I’ve been around long enough to realize that women are very often dissatisfied by the appearance of their legs. What doesn't help is how people with good legs show off at any possible occasion. Why? Well a woman will store any excess body fat in the legs, thus making not having it more or a rarity and more impressive. It’s essentially much like the beer belly of a man. A man will retain slim legs yet put all the weight on around the midsection while a woman will first put a lot of weight around the thighs etc. This build up of fat on the legs can often lead to a condition called cellulite. Cellulite is the build up of subcutaneous fat under the skin, which gives an orange peel effect. Quite often your genetics will determine whether or not you get cellulite. Many people can be overweight and not show the condition. If you have weak veins and high levels of toxins in your body then cellulite will appear much more prominent. The first step to getting rid of cellulite and how to make your legs skinnier is completely changing your diet. Lets be honest if you have wide thighs and cellulite then your diet has obviously been wrong. It’s no worry however it can all be fixed, cellulite can be permanently removed.

First things first is to cut out any processed food in your diet, say goodbye to Macdonalds, Burger king etc. These are full of fats and high GI carbohydrate, which is going to do you NO favors. Toxins contribute a lot to the build up of cellulite so you need to de toxify yourself. Be wary of the herbal supplements that are said to get rid of toxins quite a lot of the time it’s unproven. However there is a certain point when the mentality of a placebo may actually work. Green tea extract has been proven to increase your metabolism and also get rid of toxins from your body. The next step is to do some exercise, keeping yourself active at all possible times. Recent research has looked into the wellbeing of people who sit down for extended periods of time. If you sit in the same place for more than 2 hours at a time you severly affecting your circulation, something which is the cause of cellulite in the first place so you should try and get up at all possible moments.

Don’t have some days where you exercise like a banshee do it in little and often amounts. The next step is to massage the effected cellulite area, with moisturizing creams. This encourages circulation and will greatly reduce the wrinkling of cellulite. Biking is a great way to slim down your legs. To burn fat from one area alone is very difficult but biking only uses your legs and burns up to 600 kcal an hour.